Frequently Asked Questions
WBI Energy knows that safety is a priority for people in the communities where we operate. Safety is a priority for us, too.
Before construction begins, our projects undergo a rigorous review process through the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC. Once constructed, our projects are inspected, tested and monitored to ensure integrity and to ensure they meet or exceed all federal standards.
We have a long history of and deep experience with designing, constructing and operating safe and reliable pipeline systems. Our facilities are under the care of our Gas Control Center in Bismarck, North Dakota, where experienced technicians monitor flow and operating conditions on the entire pipeline system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, regulates interstate pipelines. Every WBI Energy pipeline project undergoes a lengthy, in-depth planning, review and inspection process.
FERC’s pre-filing process encourages early involvement of interested stakeholders, including landowners, and facilitates interagency cooperation. This phase also provides an opportunity to identify and resolve potential issues before WBI Energy files an application with FERC.
We conduct informational meetings, file applications and status reports, conduct environmental and cultural surveys and more. The entire process can take years and is in place to ensure every pipeline provides safe, reliable service.
FERC also is the lead federal agency responsible for conducting the project’s environmental review. Visit the FERC website to learn how it reviews natural gas projects and for more landowner and stakeholder topics of interest.
Environmental protection is an integral part of our operational philosophy. WBI Energy is committed to protecting the environment during all project phases and works to minimize negative impacts to the environment and adjacent communities.
In addition to our own commitments and responsibilities, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, conducts environmental reviews on all pipeline projects. Visit the FERC website to learn more.
WBI Energy endorses and honors the landowner commitments developed by the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America. These eight commitments build and maintain strong, positive relationships with landowners.
- Respect and trust.
- Accurate and timely information.
- Negotiate in good faith.
- Respect the regulatory compact.
- Responding to issues.
- Outreach.
- Industry ambassadors.
- Ongoing commitment to training.
Learn more about these commitments on our landowners’ page.
We are committed to returning right-of-way land to the condition it was in prior to a project. We hire contractors with reclamation expertise to accomplish this; however, we are ultimately responsible for complete site restoration. We believe in open communication with landowners, and we ensure they know how to reach us should problems arise with land restoration.
We are committed to providing landowners, communities and other stakeholders with opportunities to learn about our projects and provide input about issues, expectations and concerns.
For Every 7(c) Certificate Project, We:
- Publish twice a “Public Notice” of projects in local newspapers immediately after filing project applications with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The notice includes information about the project.
- Hold public open houses at which interested stakeholders can talk to our company representatives and receive information.
- Post project information to this website.
- Provide copies of our project applications in local libraries or other public facilities in the counties where the project is located.
During the regulatory process, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission provides similar opportunities as it gathers input as part of the scoping process.
WBI Energy considers safety, agriculture, environmental considerations, land-use compatibility, constructability and cultural resources when determining a proposed pipeline route. As a project proceeds through the regulatory process, we seek input from landowners and other stakeholders to determine the final pipeline route.
For information about a specific pipeline project route, visit our projects page.
WBI Energy is based in Bismarck, North Dakota, and can trace its beginnings in the natural gas pipeline business back to the 1920s. WBI Energy owns and operates approximately 3,700 miles of natural gas transmission pipeline in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. WBI Energy is part of the MDU Resources Group family of companies.

WBI has completed countless projects in its 100-year history. Some of our recently completed projects include:
- Wahpeton Expansion (2024)
- Line Section 27 Expansion (2024)
- Grasslands South Expansion (2023)
- North Bakken (2022)
- Line Section 7 Expansion (2022)
- Demicks Lake Plant Facilities (2020)
- Line Section 22 Expansion (2020)
- Demicks Lake – Cherry Creek Pipeline (2019)
- Garland – Powell Lateral Modifications (2018)
- Line Section 27 Cherry Creek – Spring Creek Expansion (2018)
- Valley Expansion (2018)
- McKenzie Plant – Charbonneau Receipt Station (2017)
- Line Section 25/Charbonneau #6 Expansion (2017)
- Northwest North Dakota Enhancement (2016)
- Wild Basin – Cherry Creek Pipeline (2016)