COLLABORATING with Landowners
With approximately 3,700 miles of pipeline across a five-state region, our pipeline system crosses the land of many farmers, ranchers and homeowners. We strive to build and maintain positive relationships with landowners through effective communication.
Stewardship of the land and high standards of safety for the public and our employees are our guiding principles.
Interested in connecting to our pipeline for gas service?

Safety: Every Day In Every Way
We are committed to being a safe and responsible community member. Learn more about how we keep our employees, neighbors and communities safe – and how you can contribute to the safety of your community.
learn more about Farm Taps
We sometimes deliver natural gas through farm taps, a service we provide for a fee that allows a customer to tap into our pipeline system.
The process of getting a farm tap established may take several months. Prior to performing any work, WBI Energy must meet certain regulatory and environmental requirements. Each delivery station is then individually engineered and constructed. Other timing variables include easements, permitting, equipment ordering and the weather.
For small loads, such as a house and shop, your local utility company will measure the gas as it leaves WBI Energy’s pipeline. For larger demands, such as a grain dryer, WBI Energy will work with a local utility company to determine who will own, install and operate the measurement facilities. Grain dryers can use large volumes of natural gas – sometimes as much as an entire town.
There are three ways customers can receive natural gas from WBI Energy’s pipeline.
1. Act as your own agent
You secure a gas supply and arrange to bring that gas onto WBI Energy’s pipeline system. You must enter a transportation service agreement with WBI Energy and, daily, schedule the delivery of the gas. You would be responsible for downstream pressure regulation after the point where the gas leaves WBI Energy’s system.
2. Contract with a marketing company
The marketer would secure a gas supply, manage the transportation service agreement with WBI Energy and handle the daily scheduling of gas. You would be responsible for pressure/regulation at the delivery point.
3. Use a local distribution company
Natural gas utility companies will secure a gas supply and handle the scheduling of gas. The utility also may install/operate pressure regulation equipment.